Kitchen Exhaust cleaning
Triple A offers bespoke kitchen duct cleaning services and promises to clean your kitchen duct and exhaust to ensure it is risk free from fire, public health hazards so that it remains in impeccable condition. We offer long term kitchen duct and hood cleaning services for residential and commercial places in Amman-Jordan to ensure your system operates with maximum efficiency and productivity and to maintain long life time warranty of the equipment installed. Our team has extensive years of experience using the latest technology standards equipment and solutions for optimum cleaning results.
Benefits of Kitchen exhaust/duct cleaning:
Minimizes risk of fire hazards.
Increases equipment lifetime.
Improves indoor air quality.
Provides a hygienic environment.
Comply to local safety regulations and standards.
Reduces food borne diseases.
Essential reasons why Kitchen exhaust cleaning is important:
Fire Risk
Continuous build up of dust and grease will help fire hazard to occur if the exhaust system is not cleaned frequently.Therefore, it is essential to make sure that there is no grease accumulated in the hood or the duct. It is advised to get your kitchen hood and duct cleaned by professionals so that there is no trace left behind that may ignite a fire in your kitchen.
Safety of Environment and personnel.
Every restaurant or commercial unit like restaurant, cafeteria, or hotel has to follow a certain code and safety regulations and requirements of conduct to abide by the laws. All the commercial units need to have their hoods clean to avoid any fines that may be attracted by the dirty hoods or ducts.
Better ventilation
Proper ventilation is highly recommended in the system of your kitchen.
The smell and smoke resulted from daily cooking will make it difficult for personnel to breathe clean air safely in the kitchen. Therefore, it is advised to keep your kitchen ducts clean for proper ventilation.
Before and After Images